LPG Fuel Calculator

Fuel Conversion Calculator

Quickly know how much you can save when you switch to Shree Radha Gobind BharatGas. This calculator will help you compare the price of using LPG over other fuels such as High Speed Diesel, Superior Kerosene Oil, Light Diesel Oil, Furnace Oil, Electricity etc.

Brief fuel plan

Peak consumption per hour

Average consumption per hour

Number of peak consumption hours in a day

Number of average consumption hours in a day

Number of working days in a month

Indicative consumption comparison

Monthly comsumption

Yearly consumption

Indicative cost comparison

Landed cost net of cenvat & vat(as applicable) (Rs per Unit)

Monthly cost (Rs)

Yearly cost (Rs)

Indicative Savings

Monthly Savings (Rs)

Yearly savings (Rs)

Carbon Footprint

Yearly Carbon Footprint (Kg)

Yearly Reduction In Carbon Footprint (Kg)

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